Saturday, November 10, 2012

Am I a Bandwagoner?

Hebrews 11:1 NIV Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.                 

   I  often take pride in supporting my Lions, Pistons, Tigers, and Pats....(I'll stop for the sake of reasoning), I'll pay high internet and satellite bills to follow them. Trust me,  I am no bandwagoner. Over the past decade the Lions have lost games in every way imaginable, the Pistons have gone from lingering among the NBA elite three straight lottery picks, yet somehow I am able to envision a playoff run at the start of each season. I am no bandwagoner. I somehow conjure a way to have faith in the fact that the current selection of players, front office decision makers, and even bumbling owners will make something happen. After the Lions went 0-16 I still found myself explaining how that was a step forward.... I am no bandwagoner! I guess you can say I have faith in my teams. Each loss brings along its share of heartache and gut wrenching pain....the second guessing literally can last for weeks. What could they have done different  in order to justify my faith in their ability to win as I see them fit. I am no bandwagoner.
    ....But sometimes I ask myself, am I a bandwagon christian? What ridiculous price am I willing to pay  as a show of faith in God? When was the last time I sacrificed the last word for peace? Or better yet, do I excercise my faith in trying times, or do I accept what appears to be defeat. Am I a bandwagon child of God? Am I ready to accept the flashy blessings and generous amounts of favor with a smile, never expecting to experience struggle and strife? I will admit I have done more than my fair share of shouting to upper manangement, but am I a bandwagon christian? ,How often do I rely on my own understanding in lieu of what I know to be The Truth.Did Jesus die for a bandwagon believer??? I ask this question to me...#) ...You can interview yourself. This I KNOW...a sure win is in the bag!

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